10 Essential Sunnah Practices Every Hajj Pilgrim Should Know

sunnah of hajj

When we talk about Hajj, it is worth noting that there are many rulings related to it, and the rulings of Hajj are divided into the duties of Hajj, the obligations of Hajj, the sunnah of hajj, the recommendations of Hajj in addition to the prohibitions of Hajj, and through our article today we will discuss the sunnahs of Hajj in detail.

sunnah of hajj

sunnah of hajj

When we talk about the sunnah of hajj, there are many sections of the sunnah of hajj, including the following:

  • Bathing before entering ihram, trimming the nails, trimming the mustache, plucking the armpits, and shaving the pubic hair.
  • Perfume yourself before entering ihram.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is talbiyah and raising one’s voice. It is for the Hajj or Umrah pilgrim to say: “At your service, O Allah, at your command, at your command, you have no partner at your command. Indeed, praise and blessings are yours, and dominion is yours, you have no partner.”
  • Dhikr and supplication, including: glorification, praise, praise, takbeer, blessings upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and reading the Holy Qur’an.
  • His saying: “O Allah, You are peace and from You is peace. May our Lord grant us peace” when he sees the Kaaba.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is Tawaf of arrival.
  • Ithbaa (1) in Tawaf al-Qudum only.
  • Al-Raml (2) in the first three rounds. And walk the rest.
  • Praying two rak’ahs behind Maqam Ibrahim (and reciting Surahs Al-Kafirun and Al-Ikhlas in them after Al-Fatihah).
  • Kissing or receiving the Black Stone.
  • Receiving the Yemeni Corner.
  • Dhikr and supplication during Tawaf.
  • Climbing Al-Safa – or part of it – and also Al-Marwah.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is facing the Qiblah whenever one reaches Safa and Marwah, along with supplication, takbir, and Tahlil.
  • Reciting the following verse when starting the Sa’y: {Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah…} (Al-Baqarah 158). And he said: We begin with what Allah began with.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is walking between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, except between the two green flags (which is the middle of the valley), in which case he runs between them (i.e., quickens his steps).
  • Purity for sa’i. As for tawaf, purity is a condition for it.
  • Dhikr and supplication in pursuit.
  • Preferring shaving over cutting hair.
  • Ihram for Hajj on the day of Tarwiyah for those who were in tamattu’ or were among the people of Mecca.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is spending the night in Mina on the night of Arafat.
  • Go to Arafat in the morning of Arafat Day.
  • Remaining with a number until the end.
  • Attending the prayer and sermon with the imam with a namrah, combining the noon and afternoon prayers with it, and shortening them.
  • Entering Arafat after noon.
  • Standing in Arafat near the rocks, if possible, but if it results in harm, it is not permissible.
  • Among the sunnah of hajj is facing the Qiblah and praying in Arafat.
  • Tranquility when driving from Arafat to Muzdalifah.
  • Combine Maghrib and Isha’ in Muzdalifah.
  • Standing at the Holy Mosque. And pray until dawn breaks.
  • Arranging the actions of the Day of Sacrifice (stoning Jamarat al-Aqaba, then slaughtering the sacrificial animal, then shaving or cutting your hair, then Tawaf al-Ifadah).
  • Facing the Qiblah when throwing stones. Except for Jamrat al-Aqaba, he throws it from the depths of the valley, making Mina on his right and the Kaaba on his left, and facing the Jamrat.
  • Takbir with every pebble in the stoning.
  • Supplication and standing facing the Qiblah after stoning both the minor and middle Jamarat – but after the major one, one should not stop there.
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What are the Sunnahs that a pilgrim must perform before traveling for Hajj?

sunnah of hajj

Among the sunnah of hajj that the pilgrim must perform before traveling for Hajj:

1-Physical and psychological preparation: The pilgrim must be physically and psychologically prepared to perform Hajj, through physical, psychological and spiritual preparation.

2-Preparing papers and documents: The pilgrim must ensure that all papers and documents required to perform Hajj are prepared, such as the passport, Hajj visa, and other necessary visas.

3-Financial preparation: The pilgrim should make the necessary financial preparations for the Hajj, such as purchasing tickets, booking accommodation, and preparing the money he will need during his trip.

4-Checking on the family: The pilgrim must make sure that his family is well and taken care of before traveling to Hajj.

5-Asking forgiveness and repentance: The pilgrim should seek forgiveness, repent, and get rid of sins and transgressions before traveling for Hajj, so that his worship is sincere and acceptable.

6-Supplication and supplication to Allah: The pilgrim should supplicate and supplicate to Allah before traveling for Hajj, during the journey, and while performing the rituals, and ask Him for success, acceptance, and forgiveness.

7-Preparing for fatigue and difficulties: The pilgrim must be prepared to face fatigue and difficulties during Hajj, and be patient and diligent.

8-Preparation for worship and obedience: The pilgrim should prepare to perform legitimate acts of worship and obedience during Hajj, such as prayer, remembrance, glorification, fasting, and alms.

These are some of the sunnah of hajj that the pilgrim must do before traveling for Hajj, and he must also prepare spiritually and morally for this important journey.

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What are the Sunnahs imposed during Hajj?

sunnah of hajj

 The sunnah of hajj that imposed during Hajj are the following:

  • Prohibition of ihram: The pilgrim must enter the state of ihram with the intention of performing Hajj and Umrah, and that is from the specified meeqat.
  • Tawaf: The pilgrim must perform seven circuits around the Holy Kaaba, and this is considered one of the Sunnahs required in Hajj.
  • Sa’i between Safa and Marwah: The pilgrim must perform Sa’i between Safa and Marwa seven times, and this is one of the Sunnahs imposed in Hajj.
  • Pausing at Arafat: The pilgrim must perform a pause at Arafat on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, and this is considered one of the Sunnahs required in Hajj.
  • Throwing stones: The pilgrim must throw the three stones on the days of Tashreeq, and this is considered one of the Sunnahs imposed in Hajj.
  • Slaughtering the sacrificial animal: The pilgrim must slaughter the sacrificial animal, and this is considered one of the Sunnahs imposed in Hajj.

These are some of the sunnah of hajj that are obligatory during Hajj, and there are other sunnah of hajj that are not obligatory but are recommended during Hajj, such as shortening one’s hair, praying in the Sacred Mosque, and visiting Madinah after Hajj.


At the end of the text, the pilgrim must adhere to the sunnah of hajj in the form and manner that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, taught us. Therefore, in our article today, we discussed all the details and information related to the sunnah of hajj.