where can i read the quran

read the quran,Top Quran Classes

When it comes to read the quran, there are many etiquettes that the reader must observe. Some of these etiquettes relate to the condition of the reader and others relate to the place where the reading takes place. Therefore, today we will learn about the most important etiquettes of reciting the Quran, in addition to that read the quran.

What is the etiquette of reciting the Qur’an?

There are many etiquettes that the reciter should observe before  الكاميرا

What is the etiquette of read the quran, including the following:


The meaning is that by reciting it, he intends the face and satisfaction of Allah Almighty, and seeks reward from Him, and not to achieve a worldly goal. Such as money, prestige, or people’s praise of him. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, warned against disloyalty by saying: 


“Whoever learns knowledge that seeks the pleasure of Allah Almighty, and does not learn it except to gain by it some misfortune from this world, will not find the knowledge of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.” 


(meaning its fragrance), It was stated in some hadiths that the reciter of the Qur’an who is not sincere in his reading will be one of the first to be ignited by the Fire on the Day of Resurrection.


It is Sunnah for the read the quran to recite it while he is performing ablution, and reading the Qur’an without ablution is permissible, but he is doing something contrary to what is best, and in the absence of water it is permissible to move to dry ablution.

And as for one who is in ritual impurity or one who is menstruating; It is forbidden for them to read the Qur’an, although it is permissible for them to pass the Qur’an over their hearts without them uttering it.

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The siwak; 

It is Sunnah for the reader to use the miswak before starting the recitation, as the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – said about him: (The siwak purifies the mouth, pleasing to the Lord).

And the scholars recommended using the miswak before reading; Because what comes out of the reader’s mouth goes into the king’s mouth. The king puts his mouth on the reader’s mouth. 


What is meant by it is the cleanliness of the place where the reader wants to read, and for this reason some scholars recommended reading in the mosque. 

Because it combines cleanliness and honor of the place, and as for reciting it on the road and other things; It is healthy, provided that it is not distracted from it. 

As for places where the reader is busy, it is disliked. As for a menstruating woman, it is permissible for her to read it, but without touching the Qur’an. Because her excuse lasts a long time.

Facing the Qiblah; 

When read the quran, it is Sunnah for the reader to face the Qiblah and sit with humility and reverence. Either he reads it in bed or lies down. It is permissible, but it is contrary to the first.

The etiquette that the reader observes during recitation 

There are many etiquettes that the reader should observe while read the quran, including the following:

  • It is recommended to stop reading when yawning; Because the servant speaks to his Lord and communicates with Him, and also not to play around or move excessively without need. 
  • Raising the Qur’an in his hand or on something high, and not placing it on the ground. Because that is disrespectful to him.
  • Stopping at the verses of promise and asking Allah for His bounty, and stopping at the verses of warning and seeking refuge with Allah from His torment, for the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – did that, as it was stated in the hadith: 

(I stood up with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, and he started and fasted, then he performed ablution, then he stood up and prayed. 

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And I stood with him, so he began to ask for Al-Baqarah to be opened. He does not pass by a sign of mercy unless he stops and asks, and he does not pass by a sign of torment unless he stops and seeks refuge.)

  • read the quran with contemplation and contemplation, and that his biggest concern should not be too much reading, with the heart remembering the verses he reads, and he hates speed in reciting the Qur’an. Because that is contrary to contemplation.
  • read the quran slowly and slowly. 
  • This is not the same as poetry, and singing the Qur’an. That is, improving the voice when reading it, and this is considered one of the recommended etiquettes when read the quran.

Because the Muslim is required to pay attention to his recitation; there have been many verses that urge the reader to think and contemplate during the recitation.

General etiquette related to recitation of the Holy Quran

There are many general etiquettes that the reader of the Qur’an must adhere when read the quran, including the following:

  • Commitment to his teachings and his judgment in all matters of life, and many verses have been mentioned in this regard.
  • Glorifying it and pledging to preserve it and work on it, and not to place anything above it, or give it to someone who does not appreciate its value; Such as an infidel or an undistinguished child.
  • Constantly reading books that explain its interpretation, clarifying its words, asking specialists about its meanings, and linking it to practical reality. Because the read the quran is a method for life.
  • Mentioning Allah Almighty frequently, thanking Him, relying on Him, seeking His help, and yearning for Him, along with asceticism in this world. 
  • Observing Allah Almighty in all circumstances, and staying away from evil and forbidden desires.


At the end of the text, when it comes to read the quran, should have the morals of the Qur’an throughout his life. Such as paying attention to the provisions of the Qur’an, interpreting it, understanding its meanings, observing Allah in secret and in public, and staying away from evil and desires.