how to perform eid al adha prayer?

eid al adha prayer

Eid al-Adha is the second holiday after al-Fitr. eid al adha prayer has many rulings and sunnahs, which we will learn about in the following paragraphs in detail. In addition, we will discuss how to perform the eid al adha prayer according to the four schools of thought.

Explaining how to pray Eid al-Adha

Muslims perform the eid al adha prayer with a two-rak’ah prayer, and after the prayer the imam delivers two sermons to the Muslims, such as the Friday sermons, in which he explains the rulings on the sacrifice and Hajj, and explains the opinions of the four schools of thought on how to perform the eid al adha prayer, as follows:

How to perform the eid al adha prayer According to the Hanafi school of thought

The Hanafi school of thought states that the praying person begins with the intention in the heart and tongue, by saying: “I pray the Eid prayer to Allah Almighty,” then he pronounces the takbeer of ihram, which is followed by praise of Allah the Almighty, and after that he pronounces three takbeers, such that he raises his hands each time, and remains silent. 

Between each of them, three tasbihs are estimated, and he seeks refuge in Allah, and says basmalah secretly, then recites Al-Fatihah and another surah out loud, and it is desirable for it to be Surah Al-Ala, followed by bowing and prostration. As for the second rak’ah, it begins with Al-Fatihah.

And another surah recited aloud, and it is desirable that it be Surat Al-Ghashiya, then he pronounces three takbirs; By raising the hands in each of them, it is permissible to precede the recitation, and it is permissible to increase the takbirs up to sixteen takbirs.

How to perform the eid al adha prayer according to the Malikis and Hanbalis 

According to the Malikis, the number of takbirs in the first rak’ah in eid al adha prayer is seven, with the takbir of the Ehram, while the second rak’ah is six takbirs with the takbir of standing, and likewise the number of takbirs according to the Hanbalis, and it is before the reading with the permissibility of delaying, and the amount of silence between the takbirs is until the worshipers say takbir.

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The Malikis said that it is disliked. Raising the hands when pronouncing the takbeer, with the exception of the takbir al-Ihram. If the praying person forgets one of the takbirs before bowing, he recites it and repeats the reading. 

However, if he remembers the takbirs after bowing, he continues the prayer, and in both cases he prostrates for forgetfulness. The Hanbali school of thought considers raising the hands at every takbeer, and abandoning the takbirs. For them, it does not invalidate prayer.

How to perform the Eid prayer according to the Shafi’is 

The number of takbeers according to the Shafi’is in eid al adha prayer is seven in the first rak’ah, excluding the opening takbir, and five in the second rak’ah, and they are before the recitation, but the silence between them is the amount of a moderate verse. 

He glorifies Allah in it, and raises the hands in all of it, and they agreed with the Hanafis in seeking refuge, asking for help, and reciting aloud. It should be noted that forgetting the takbirat does not require prostration of forgetfulness.

And it is Sunnah to recite Surah Q, Surat Al-Ala, or Surat Al-Kafirun in the first rak’ah after Surah Al-Fatiha, and read Surat Al-Qamar, Surat Al-Ghashiya, or Surat Al-Ikhlas in the second rak’ah.

Eid al-Adha prayer time 

The eid al adha prayer time begins from the height of the sun the height of a spear, until noon, but if the Eid is not known until after the noon period, then the eid al adha prayer is on the next day, and the sacrifice is not performed until after the prayer, and what is meant by the sun rising as high as a spear.


That is, the length of a spear as seen by the eye. Scientists have estimated it to be fifteen minutes, and it may be less or more by a small amount, and whoever wants to be more cautious, make it twenty minutes. What is meant by noon is that the sun has moved from the center of the sky in the direction of the west; It is the time for the noon prayer to begin. As the shadow is towards the east

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Sunnahs and etiquette of Eid al-Adha

It is Sunnah to perform the blessed Eid al-Adha prayer at the beginning of its time, in addition to the Sunnah to abstain from eating before prayer. For the Muslim to eat from the sacrifice, and the prayer was offered and shortened; Because of Muslims’ preoccupation with sacrifices, the Sunnahs and etiquette of Eid al-Adha are summarized as follows:

  • The takbir, the takbir, the takbir, and the supplication to Allah Almighty until the last day of the days of Tashreeq. The four imams agreed on the permissibility of pronouncing the takbir loudly when going out to the Eid prayer hall. 
  • washing; This is before going out to pray. 
  • Wearing the best and most beautiful clothes; The Messenger – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – wore the most beautiful clothes he had, as Ibn Al-Qayyim – may Allah have mercy on him – reported. 
  • Not eating after returning from Eid prayer; This is in order to eat from the sacrifice.
  • Performing the eid al adha prayer in the prayer hall, not in the mosque, as the Messenger of Allah did; Where he used to pray the Eid in a prayer hall
  • Going to eid al adha prayer by one way, and returning by another
  • Slaughtering sacrificial animals; It is considered one of the greatest Islamic rituals. The command of Allah Almighty to slaughter was mentioned, just as His command to pray was mentioned, and He said: (So pray to your Lord and sacrifice).

The guidance of the Prophet on Eid al-Adha 

The Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – forbade cutting the hair of those who wanted to sacrifice, since the beginning of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. 

As it was proven in the Sahih of Imam Muslim on the authority of the Mother of the Believers, Umm Salamah – may Allah be pleased with her – that the Prophet said: (If the ten days have come, and one of you wants to sacrifice, let him not touch anything of his hair or skin),


At the conclusion of the text, eid al adha prayer is the second holiday among Muslims, and the eid al adha prayer is performed in a specific way and manner according to the four schools of thought. Therefore, we mentioned in our article how the eid al adha prayer is performed in detail.