how hajj is performed step by step? | Top Quran Classes


The six steps of the hajj are defined by timings, so the Ihram will be on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, which is the day of Tarwiyah, followed by standing in Arafat on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, and then going to Muzdalifah at sunset on the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah, and then is followed by stoning, circumambulation, slaughtering and shaving, and these steps take place on the tenth day of the sacrifice of Dhul-Hijjah, and then the pilgrim throws the three Jamarat on the first, second and thirteenth days of Dhul-Hijjah, and finally performs the farewell circumambulation after completing all the rituals the Muslim must fulfill the purposes of hijj that Allah has commanded, and for this reason, you may need to know how to perform the rituals of hahj step by step in order, and this is what we will present to you through this article. We wish you an acceptable haaj and a forgiven sin.

Table of Contents

what is hajj?

The hajj in Islam is the pilgrimage to Mecca in a specific season every year, and it has certain rituals called the rituals of hajjs, and it is a duty once in a lifetime for every able adult Muslim.

Haji Makkah It is the fifth pillar of Islam, as the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Islam is built on five: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying zakat, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the House of those who are able to make a way.”

Hajj in Mecca is an individual duty for every capable adult Muslim, according to what was mentioned in the Qur’an: And they call to the people to perform hajj will come to you on men, and on every lean person who comes from every dawn.

hajj definition

The meaning of Muslim hajj in the language refers to the intention of the glorified thing, but in the legal terminology, it is the purpose of the Sacred House of Allah; To perform specific rituals, as it is defined as visiting a specific place, at a specific time, with the intention of performing hijj after entering Ihram for it.

Also, hahj is one of the obligations of Islam, and one of the pillars on which it is based, and its legitimacy has been proven in the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and consensus; Among the texts indicating the necessity of haaj from the Book of Allah: His saying -the Almighty -: (And to Allah for the people of the pilgrimage of the house, whoever can help him away, and whoever disbelieves, for Allah, and for Allah).

And from the Prophetic Sunnah: His saying – peace and blessings be upon him-: (Islam is built on five: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and to perform hajjs and Umrah, and to perform the two pilgrimages).

when is hajj?

The timings of hajj Islam are divided into temporal times and spatial times, the temporal times are the months specified to be a time for the pilgrimage, and these months are Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’dah, and Dhul-Hijjah, specifically from the beginning of the month of Shawwal to the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah.

As for the spatial times, they are the places specified by the Prophet Muhammad for those who wanted to enter Ihram to perform the rituals of the hajj and Umrah, and they are as follows:

Dhul-Hulaifa: It is now called Abar Ali, and it is the farthest from Mecca, and it is the miqat designated for the people of Medina and all those who came to it from other than its people, and it is about 18 km away from it.

Al-Juhfa: It is the miqat for the people of the Levant, Egypt, and all the countries of the Arab Maghreb and whoever was behind it. This village has now disappeared, and when it was adjacent to and close to the city of Rabigh, the city of Rabigh replaced it and became the alternative miqat.

Qarn al-Manazil: It is also called the miqat of the great torrent, and it is the miqat designated for the people of Najd, the Arab Gulf states, and beyond, and it is approximately 74 km away from Mecca.

Yalamlam: It is the miqat for the people of Yemen, and for everyone who passes by that road. The miqat was named by this name in relation to the Yalamlam mountain in Tihama.

Dhat Iraq: It is the miqat for the people of Iraq and beyond, and this miqat was not mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad about the timings but was determined by the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab.

Miqat for the people of Makkah: The people of Makkah are forbidden from their homes or the Sacred Mosque if they wish, except for the Umrah, when they have to go out to the limits of the Haram to enter the state of Ihram, either from Taneem or Arafa.

Wadi Muharram: It is the meeqat from which pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims passing from the east in Hada, Taif is forbidden. Quilting Mount Kra.

Al-Tana’im: It is one of the mosques of Makkah. Al-Tana’im mosque is considered one of the Ihram times for the people of Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

Al-Jarana: one of the mosques of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and Al-Jaranah is a mosque from which the people of Makkah perform Umrah. It is the border of the Holy Mosque from the northeastern side of Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

how much for hajj?

The cost of hajj 2022 is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the changes of factors, as there is no specific price, but the price of the hajj pilgrimage varies every year, and the price of hijj varies from one town to another according to the value of the local currency of your country.

But let’s take a look at the prices of hajj for the year 2021, for Muslims in the United States of America, the cost of hijj per person is $5,000 as a start, but the price may reach $15,000, while the cost from the United Kingdom is up to 4,500 pounds ($6,900) for a stay of up to 10 days equally between Mecca And the city.

As we mentioned earlier, these prices are for the past year and the cost may change this year.

what to say while performing hajj?

The rituals of mecca hajj are many and are not limited to one act only, so you will find for each ritual a specific mention, so we will mention them to you as follows:
We begin with the Talbiyah: “Oh Allah, there is no partner for you. Praise be to you, and the kingdom is yours, you have no partner.” The man recites this Talbiyah out loud, but the woman says it in secret.

And it does not prescribe the collective Talbiyah, but it is to meet each Muharram alone, and he continues with this Talbiyah until he reaches the Sacred House, as it legislates on the way: to glorify Allah whenever you ascend a height and to swim whenever you descend a valley.

When you see the House, say: “Oh Allah, increase this House in honor, glorification, honor, reverence, and security, and increase its honor and generosity for those who perform hahj or Umrah in honor, honor, honor, and righteousness.”

Cut the Talbiyah and head to the Sacred House.- If you enter the Sacred Mosque, put your right foot forward and say: “In the name of Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, O Allah, forgive me my sins and open for me the doors of Your mercy.” Or: “I seek refuge in Your mighty Face and Your ancient authority from the accursed Satan.”

Whenever you reach the Black Stone or adjacent to it, say: “In the name of Allah, God is great.” Or: “Allah is great.”

As for the quest between Safa and Marwa, it is better to ascend over it until you see the Kaaba and face it, raise your hands and say the takbeer three times, and say: “There is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partner, to Him belongs the kingdom and His is praise, and He is powerful over all things. There is no god but Allah alone who fulfilled his promise.”

And the victory of his servant, and the parties were defeated alone, “three times.

Then read,” The row and the bitterness are among the rituals of Allah, so whoever performs the pilgrimage of the house or is single, then it is not for it, and it is for it, and it is for it to be. It was before the other dhikr.

Then you supplicate with what you like of supplication in this place and raise your hands.

And then go down towards Al-Marwah, and jog between the two green flags, saying: “Lord, forgive and have mercy and transcend what you know, for you are the Mighty, the Most Generous.”

how long does hajj last?

Allah- the Highest – singled out the month of Dhul-Hijjah by making some of its days a time in which the rites of hajj are performed, and the six days during which the rites of hijj are performed, which are:
The eighth day is called the Day of Tarwiyah; Because the pilgrims used to take water from Mecca due to the lack of water in Arafat and Mina.

The ninth day is called the Day of Arafah.

The tenth day is called the Day of Sacrifice.

The eleventh day is called the Day of Resurrection. Because the pilgrims recognize it as Mina.

The twelfth day is called the First Settlement Day.

The thirteenth day is called the second set-off day.

why is hajj important?

Allah Almighty has prescribed the obligation of pilgrimage to mecca for several rulings, including the following:

1- Achieving the Oneness of Allah Almighty:

قال تعالى: وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لِإِبْرَاهِيمَ مَكَانَ الْبَيْتِ أَنْ لَا تُشْرِكْ بِي شَيْئًا وَطَهِّرْ بَيْتِيَ لِلطَّائِفِينَ وَالْقَائِمِينَ وَالرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ وَأَذِّنْ فِي النَّاسِ بِالْحَجِّ يَأْتُوكَ رِجَالًا وَعَلَى كُلِّ ضَامِرٍ يَأْتِينَ مِنْ كُلِّ فَجٍّ عَمِيقٍ

On the authority of Jaber, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said in explaining his proof, may Allah prayers and peace be upon him: ((So people of monotheism: to answer you.

2- Demonstrating lack of Allah Almighty:

The pilgrim keeps away from luxury and adornment and puts on Ihram clothes. Detached from the world and its adornment, thus showing his helplessness and wretchedness.

And during the rituals he would be submissive to his Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, needy to Him, humiliated in His hands, and obediently submissive to His commands, whether they are to Him or to Him.

3- Achieving piety to Allah Almighty:

The Almighty said: and provide, for the best provision is piety, and be mindful, O men of understanding. Piety is achieved during the Muslim hajj by avoiding the prohibitions of Ihram.

4- Establishing the remembrance of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime:

قال تعالى: فَإِذَا أَفَضْتُمْ مِنْ عَرَفَاتٍ فَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ عِنْدَ الْمَشْعَرِ الْحَرَامِ وَاذْكُرُوهُ كَمَا هَدَاكُمْ وَإِنْ كُنْتُمْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ لَمِنَ الضَّالِّينَ ثُمَّ أَفِيضُوا مِنْ حَيْثُ أَفَاضَ النَّاسُ وَاسْتَغْفِرُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ فَإِذَا قَضَيْتُمْ مَنَاسِكَكُمْ فَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ كَذِكْرِكُمْ آبَاءَكُمْ أَوْ أَشَدَّ ذِكْرًا.

5- Refinement of the human soul:

Allah Almighty said: mecca hajj is the most well-known information.”On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: I heard the Prophet, may Allah prayers and peace be upon him, say: ((He who performs hahj for the sake of Allah and does not commit obscenity or immorality, returns as the day his mother gave birth to him)).

6- The hajj place is a reminder of the afterlife and the standing of people before Allah Almighty on the Day of Resurrection:

Feelings bring people of different races together in one outfit; With their heads uncovered, they respond to the call of the Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, and this scene resembles their standing before Him, Glory be to Him.

On the Day of Resurrection in one place, barefoot, naked, uncircumcised, frightened, wretched, and apprehensive. This is what instills in the pilgrim the fear of Allah, his observance, and devotion to him in work.

7- Raising the nation on the meanings of the correct unity:

During the hajj of Islam, the differences between people, such as richness and poverty, gender and color, and other things, disappear. and recommend patience.

8- Performing the hajj in mecca is thankfulness for the blessing of money and a sound body:

During the haji Makkah, he was thanked for these two great blessings. Where a person exerts himself and spends his money on getting closer to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted.

where is hajj located?

The rituals of Hajj take place inside Saudi Arabia, where the pilgrim moves between cities to perform all the rituals of Hajj, starting from the first day until the last day. As for the cities to which the pilgrims move, they are as follows:

1- The Sacred House

The honorable Kaaba is called by this name because of its cube, which is square, and it was said to be high and protruding.

2- The Grand Mosque

The Grand Mosque is the greatest mosque in Islam and is located in the heart of the city of Mecca in the west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the middle of it is the Kaaba, which is the first house placed for people on earth to worship Allah in it according to the Islamic faith, and this is the greatest and holiest spot on earth for Muslims.

3- The three Jamarat

They are the three shrines in Mina next to Mecca, Jamrat al-Aqaba, al-Jamrah al-Wusta, and al-Jamrah al-Soghra, and stoning it is one of the duties of hijj, so named for a story that happened to Abraham, peace be upon him, with Satan.

4- Al-Khayf Mosque

A well-known mosque in Mina, at the bottom of Mount Hyenas, from the northern side, in the location of this mosque, the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came down during the Farewell Pilgrimage, and before he was revealed in this place the honorable messengers and prophets, peace and blessings be upon them.

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5- Al-Masha’ar Al-Haram

This mosque is located at the beginning of Muzdalifah, which follows Arafat, in the place of the sacred site of Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram, which was mentioned in the Almighty’s verse: (So if you depart from Arafat, remember Allah at Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram). It is accessed by 6 doors.

6- Mina

It was called Mina because of the blood in it, and it was said because people gather with it, and the Arabs say it to every place where people gather in Mina.

It is located between Mecca and Muzdalifah, 7 kilometers northeast of the Grand Mosque, and through the tunnel 4 kilometers, and in it the pilgrims spend the nights of the 9th, 11th, and 12th of Dhul-Hijjah for those who hurry, and the night of 13 for those who are late.

Whoever hastens in two days, there is no sin on him, and whoever delays, there is no sin on him for the one who is pious.)

7- Muzdalifah

Muzdalifah is the third of the holy sites that pilgrims pass through on a journey of faith in which they perform the rites of hajjs. It is located between the two sites of Mina and Arafat.

The pilgrims spend the night there after they have fled from Arafat, then they perform the Maghrib and Isha prayers together at the palace, and collect pebbles in it to throw stones in Mina, and the pilgrims stay there until this morning. The next day of Eid al-Adha was flooded after that Mina.

Staying overnight in Muzdalifah is obligatory, and whoever leaves it, must sacrifice, and it is desirable to follow the example of the Messenger of Allah in spending the night in Muzdalifah, then standing until he departs.

8- Namera Mosque

Also known as the Ibrahim Al-Khalil Mosque, it is also known as the Arafa Mosque, this mosque is located north of Arafat, the front of which follows the qiblah outside the boundaries of the endowment land, it was probably built in the second century AH.

9- Arafat

It is the shrine on which the pilgrims stand after the noon prayer on the 9th of Dhu Al-Hijjah. Arafat is located on the road between Makkah and Taif, about 22 kilometers east of Makkah, 10 kilometers from Mina, and 6 kilometers from Muzdalifah. The length of Arafat is approximately two miles and its width as well. Large arc shape.

how to perform hajj?

The hajj is one of the pillars of Islam, and here are the steps for hajjs in detail:


Ihram is defined as the intention to enter into the rituals of haaj or Umrah, and it is not necessary for him to associate it with the Talbiyah or the offering of sacrifices and so on, and this is according to the Shafi’is and Hanbalis. Like the dhikr or the sacrificial animal.

As for the Malikis, they see that Ihram is achieved by intention, and it is Sunnah to pair it with the Talbiyah or any act related to hahj, and it is not permissible to enter Ihram except by intention.

Because the Prophet – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said: The intention is in the heart, and it is permissible to utter it, so the Muharram says: “I intended to perform hijj or Umrah, and I made it forbidden to Allah Almighty.”

Then he responds by saying: “Oh Allah, there is no partner for you, there is no partner for you. Praise and grace are yours and dominion, you have no partner.” On the eighth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

Which is called Tarwiyah Day; The sole pilgrim intends only, and as for the muttwi’, he is forbidden from his place, then he intends to perform hajj, and heads to Mina, and it is better that it be before the noon, and perform the remaining prayers in Mina Dhuhr until the dawn of the ninth day.

Because it is Sunnah for him to spend the night there, which is one of the Sunnahs of Muslim hajj and is not obligatory, and the same is true of performing the five daily prayers there.


The day of Arafat comes on the ninth day of the month of Dhu Al-Hijjah, and it is one of the pillars of mecca hajj by agreement of the fuqaha’. Sunrise

It is Sunnah to stay in a place called Namira until the sun has passed its zenith, then the pilgrim goes to Arafat and prays Zuhr and Asr combined and shortened there, and he stays in Arafat until sunset. The public and minor and major purity is not required for standing in Arafah; Because Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her – stood in Arafat when she was menstruating.


Standing in Muzdalifah after disembarking from Arafat is one of the duties of hajj, according to the agreement of the fuqaha’. Because of the saying of Allah – the Highest:: (So when you depart from Arafat, remember Allah at the sacred landslide), which is a command, and the principle is that it is obligatory, and when the sun is absent on the ninth day, the pilgrimage to the ninth day is expansive.

When he arrives, he prays Maghrib and Isha combined, and he shortens the evening prayer by two rak’ahs and spends the night in it.

It is permissible for the elderly and the weak to leave Muzdalifah if most of the night has passed, and then the pilgrim throws the Jamrah Al-Aqabah; To do the Prophet -peace and blessings be upon him -the names of the daughter of Abi Bakr -may Allah be pleased with her -narrated.

(She came down to the night of a group at the time, so she prayed, and she prayed for an hour, then he said: She said: My son, did the moon set? I said: Yes, she said: So they set out, so we set out and proceeded until you threw the Jamrah).

4- Throwing, circumambulating, slaughtering, and shaving on the Day of Sacrifice:

The Day of Sacrifice is the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and it is called that because it is the day on which the sacrifice and the sacrifice are sacrificed.

And on this day most of the acts of pilgrimage take place, and in which standing at the sacred site; is one of the desirable actions for the public, then the pilgrim goes after sunrise to Mina; Throwing Jamarat Al-Aqabah Al-Aqaba, which is one of the duties of pilgrimage to mecca for the public, unlike some Malikis who believe that it is one of the pillars of hajj Islam.

Then the sacrificial animal is sacrificed, and then shaved or cut, and after that, the pilgrim goes towards the house to perform the tawaaf al-ifaadah, which is one of the obligations of hajj in mecca according to the agreement of the jurists, and it is better to perform it after stoning and shaving, and the arrangement between these actions is from the Sunnah, and some scholars believe that the arrangement is obligatory.

The first pilgrim is degraded by throwing the Great Jamarat of Aqaba on the Day of Sacrifice, and everything is permissible for him except for women -intercourse-. Then the shaving or shortening, then the circumambulation, and the saa’i. If he has circumambulated with his arrival.

5- Throwing the three Jamarat

Throwing the Jamarat is one of the most important steps of the haji Makkah rituals. The three Jamarat is thrown on the days of Tashreeq, which are the three days that follow the Day of Sacrifice.

It is also called the days of Mina at Imam Malik, and it is named so; Because people used to cut the meat in it, and it was said about the reason for its name: Because the sacrifice is not sacrificed until after sunrise.

It begins with Jamarat Al-Aqabah Minor, which is the furthest from Makkah and the closest to the Al-Khayf Mosque; Then he throws seven pebbles and says the takbeer with each pebble. in junior and middle, But it is not to call or stand.

On the second day of al-Tashreeq, which is the twelfth day, he does as he did on the first day of stoning the Jamarat, and it is permissible for those who are unable to throw stones, such as the sick, the elderly, and others, to delegate someone else, and it is better for stoning the Jamarat to be before sunset, just as it is permissible to throw stones at night.

And whoever wants to hurry, he must leave Mina before sunset, and whoever sets on him while he is in Mina, he must delay another day, and throw the three Jamarat with it, and whoever delays because of the crowding does not have to do that.

6- The farewell circumambulation for the traveler and his departure from Makkah:

It’s called the farewell circumambulation by this name; Because the pilgrim bids farewell to the house, as it is also called the circumambulation of the chest.

Because it is issued from the house, and the last circumambulation of the covenant, and it is obligatory after completing the work of the pilgrimage and before leaving Mecca; The Prophet – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said: (People were commanded to have their last reign at home, but it was lightened for the menstruating woman).

It is required that the pilgrim be from the people of prospects; That is, a person who is not a resident of Makkah, and did not intend to reside there, and purity from menstruation or postpartum bleeding is also required. But if the woman becomes pure before leaving Makkah; She must return to the circumambulation.

can a woman go to hajj without mahram?

Scholars differ in the following statements regarding the condition of a woman in a mahram in hajj place:

The first saying: The presence of a mahram or a husband is required for the woman to perform hajj, which is the saying of the Hanafis and Hanbalis, because the Prophet, peace, and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to travel the journey of one day and one night except with a Muharram.” Narrated by the two sheiks.

And they also have the authority of Ibn Abbas. May Allah be pleased with them that the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “A man is not alone with a woman without a mahram with her, and a woman does not travel without a mahram.” So a man stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah, my wife went out for a need, and I subscribed for such-and-such an expedition.

“Go and perform Hajj with your woman.” This is because a woman is not able to get on and off by herself, so she needs someone to ride and take her down, and this can only be done with the husband or the Mahram.

The second saying: The presence of a mahram or a husband is not required for the obligation of Hajj, which is the view of the Shafi’is. Rather, it is sufficient for the presence of trusted women even if the presence of a husband and a mahram who are able to travel with them is required.

And this is the well-known view of the doctrine, because companionship cuts off ambitions in them, and because it is an obligatory journey that does not require a mahram for it. Like a Muslim woman if she gets rid of the hands of the infidels, and like traveling to attend the councils of the ruler.

The third view: The Malikis say that they have gone to the necessity of the presence of the husband or the mahram, and if they are not present, or they are found, they refrain or are unable to accompany her.

In a safe company, and the validity of this is approved in the company of safe men or safe women, and rather that they be of both sexes, provided that The woman is safe in herself.

Ibn Taymiyyah held that it is permissible for a woman to perform the obligatory hijj without a mahram – if not – if she is safe for herself.

Imam Ahmad differentiated in narration between the young woman and the old woman. Al-Marwazi said: He was asked about an old old woman who does not have a mahram, and she found righteous people? He said.

If she takes over as disembarking and riding, and no man takes her by the hand, I hope, because she is different from others in the permissibility of looking at her, to be safe from prohibited, so this is here.

It was also transmitted by Al-Mardawi in Al-Insaaf, and he said: And on his authority: The mahram is not stipulated in the rules of women who are not feared or they will be tempted.

can hajj be performed anytime?

The obligation of hahj is restricted to a time limit, and it is not valid to perform this obligation outside the time mentioned above.

can you do hajj for someone else?

The following is an explanation of the ruling on performing haaj on behalf of others, whether the third party is still alive or dead:

The ruling on performing Hajj on behalf of the neighborhood:
The jurists permit a Muslim to perform hajjs on behalf of someone else, provided that he has performed Hajj on his own.

Whether the hajj is obligatory, or a naafil, and it is permissible for a woman to perform a pilgrimage to Mecca on behalf of someone else, even if it is a man, and it is not permissible to perform Muslim hajj on behalf of a living person without his permission.

But if he is dead, the permission of the guardian is not required for that; Because it is a debt that is forfeited by the action of anyone, and it is obligatory to perform mecca hajj on behalf of the deceased if he is able while he is alive and has not performed hajj Islam.

The ruling on performing Hajj on behalf of the dead:
It’s one of the best acts of worship that benefits the dead, especially if the deceased is one of the parents. The Prophet was asked about that, and he accepted his question regarding the hajj in mecca on behalf of the deceased, as in the honorable hadith.

It was reported in the story of a woman who came to the Prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – to ask him about her mother who died and did not perform haji Makkah. (She said: She did not perform like a cat, and I would like to do it? yes).

And if the parents have performed the obligatory hajj, then he performs the supererogatory hijj on their behalf, and if they have not performed the Umrah, then he performs it on their own behalf.

The hajj is considered one of the debts owed by the slave to his Creator, and it is extinguished by death, except that the representation is permissible in it; The one who performs hahj on behalf of another person, such as parents, will have forfeited this debt from them.

can you do hajj on behalf of a dead person?

Whoever dies and did not perform hajj place, it is prescribed to perform haaj on his behalf by his relative or a foreign person on his behalf, provided that the person performing hajjs on his behalf has performed hajj 2022 on his own behalf.

If he asks for payment for the hajj on his behalf, this must be done if the deceased has an inheritance, otherwise, it is desirable to donate on his behalf, Imam Shirazi said in Al-Muhadhdhab: Prosecution in performing the obligatory pilgrimage in two places:

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One of them: In the case of the deceased, if he dies and owes a pilgrimage, and the evidence for this is the hadith of Buraidah.

The second: in the case of someone who is not able to persist in the departure except with unusual hardship, such as time and the great sheik, and the evidence for it is what Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him.

Narrated that a woman from Khath’am came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: “Oh, Messenger of Allah, it is Allah’s duty to perform Hajj on His servants.” I realized my father is an old man who cannot hold on to the late-night, should I perform hajj on his behalf? He said: Yes.

She said: Does that benefit him? He said: Yes as if your father owed a debt, and you spent it benefiting him. And because he is not a part of the hijj himself, then someone else turned on his behalf, like a dead person.

when does the hajj start?

The pilgrimage to Mecca begins performing the rites of the Muslim hajj on the eighth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, which is called the Day of Tarwiyah. This is when the pilgrim goes to Mina and prays the Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers in the congregation as much as possible, with the four-way prayer shortened. The pilgrim spends his night there, which is the night of standing in Arafat.

what is tawaf in hajj?

Tawaf is one of the basic pillars of mecca hajj and Umrah. It consists of seven circuits that the pilgrim performs around the Kaaba. Each circuit begins in front of the Black Stone and ends with it. And sand is the acceleration of walking with the convergence of steps.

It is also Sunnah for the pilgrim to perform his ritual ablutions during his entire circumambulation, and the idtiba’ is to place the middle of his robe under his right shoulder and the two ends on his left shoulder. And he kisses it when he passes by, and if he is unable to touch it with his hand and kisses it.

If he is not able to touch it with something (such as a stick and the like) and kiss that thing, and if he is unable to point to it with his hand and does not kiss it, the Sunnah is achieved by that, especially in crowded conditions. He should not be jostled for that, because it harms others, and it is forbidden by Islamic law, as in stepping over the necks of the worshipers.

And there are also four types of tawaf: The Arrival Tawaf is a greeting to the Sacred House, for those who enter Mecca, tawaf al-Ifadah It is called: “Tawaf al-Rukun” and it is one of the pillars of hajj and the actions of the day of Eid al-Adha.
Tawaf Umrah is one of the pillars of Umrah, and the farewell circumambulation for those who left Mecca, whether pilgrims or pilgrims.

do you have to shave your head for hajj?

The majority of jurists, including the Hanafis, Malikis, and Hanbalis, agreed that shaving or shortening the hair of the head is one of the duties of Umrah.

The jurists also agreed on the desirability of shaving for male pilgrims, and that there is no harm in shortening them.

Shaving and shortening the entire head, as for the woman, she doesn’t shave her hair but cuts her hair from each horn to an inch. Thus, he ends the work of his umrah, and he is completely resolved from it, and all the prohibitions of Ihram are permissible for him.

how many days hajj completed?

The rites of hajj place are completed within six days of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, and the rites of hajj Islam begin on the eighth day and end on the thirteenth day.

what are the months of hajj?

Ihram for hajj in mecca is only in these months, which are Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’dah, and Dhul-Hijjah. In the report on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: It is from the Sunnah that it is not forbidden to perform hijj except during the months of hahj. This saying was narrated on the authority of many of the Companions and their followers.

what’s the difference between hajj and umrah?

Hajj 2022 is considered to be one of the five pillars of Islam, and in some of its pillars, it is similar to Umrah. Therefore, it is known as the Greater haaj. As for the Umrah, it is less than the comprehensive hajjs, and therefore it is called the Lesser the hajj. In this article, we will provide a clearer and more comprehensive explanation of the difference between hajj 2022 and Umrah.

The difference between hajj and Umrah from the concept

Haji Makkah linguistically: it is the intent, and technically: it is the intention of the sacred house of Allah in Makkah Al-Mukarramah with the intention of performing the hajj in mecca.

Umrah linguistically: it is the visit, and idiomatically: it is the visit of the Sacred House of Allah in Makkah Al-Mukarramah with the intention of performing Umrah.
The difference between hijj and Umrah from rites

Omrah duty:
– Ihram; The intention is to perform hahj or Umrah for the House of Allah in Makkah Al-Mukarramah.
– circumambulation; It is seven circuits of circumambulation around the Kaaba, starting with the corner of the Kaaba from the side of the Black Stone and ending there.
– Pursuit; And be running between Safa and Marwa for seven rounds.
– throat or shortening; And be cutting all or some of the hair.

Hajj Rituals
– Ihram; The intention of haaj is to wear the Ihram clothes.
Tawaf seven times.
Sa’i between Safa and Marwa.
Throat or shortening.
As we note, these four rituals are common to hajjs and Umrah and do not differ between them except by intention. the hajj is added to Umrah with the following rituals:-
Standing in Arafat; This will be on the day before Eid al-Adha. It is called the Day of the Waqf, and on it the pilgrims stand on Mount Arafat, invoking and praying to Allah.
– Overnight in Muzdalifah, and overnight stays after descending from Mount Arafat.** Overnight in Mina, and on the days of Tashreeq; It is the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth of Dhul-Hijjah.
– Throwing pebbles; It is throwing the Great Jamrah, the middle, and the small.

The difference between hijj and Umrah from the time
The pilgrimage to Mecca is free to go for Umrah at any time of the year, as for Muslim hajj, it has a specific time of the year, and Hajj is not valid except in the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

The difference between hijj and Umrah from the Duration
The mecca hajj may take from one week to ten days to perform all its pillars and rituals. As for the Umrah, it can be performed within one hour.

The difference between hijj and Umrah from the ruling
Hajj islam is one of the pillars of Islam, and it is an obligation of every Muslim, adult, sane, capable of performing it.

The difference between hijj and Umrah in the penalty of each
The penalty for Umrah is an expiation for the period between the two Umrahs. As for hajj in mecca, its reward as mentioned by the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is Paradise.

can you do hajj without umrah?

Haji Makkah comes in three types, as follows:
hajj Al-Tamatu’: its definitions according to the jurists are as follows according to the Hanafi school: Al-Tamatu’ in the Umrah to the hijj; Performing most or all of the acts of Umrah in the months of hahj.

and then performing haaj in the same year, without traveling and meeting family and getting to know them properly. According to the Malikis: entering Ihram for Umrah, completing it in the months of hajjs, then performing the hajj in one year.

According to the Shafi’is: Ihram for Umrah in the months of the pilgrimage from the Meeqat, then perform the acts of Hajj in the same year, without the need to return to the Meeqat, and enter Ihram from it. According to the Hanbalis: Ihram for Umrah from the meeqat in the months of hajj, then Ihram for hajj 2022 from Mecca, or a place close to it.

Hajj Al-Quran: What is meant by hijj Al-Quran is that the pilgrim is forbidden to perform Umrah and Hajj together in one ritual; He says: “Oh Allah, give you a pilgrimage to perform hahj.” The pilgrim does not break his ihram by shaving or shortening after completing the work of Umrah.

Of circumambulation and quest; He must remain in ihraam and adhere to the provisions of ihraam. To complete the pilgrimage, the pilgrim will be a muqrin; Because he continued the acts of Umrah with the acts of haaj without separating them, and he is obliged to offer the sacrifice like a pilgrim tamattu’.

Hajj Ifrad: Ifrad hajjs is: Ihram for the hajj without Umrah; The pilgrim says: “Oh Allah, for hajj.”

how many tawaf in hajj?

The number of circuits of circumambulation around the Kaaba, as the scholars said in the Umrah or hajj place, is seven circuits, and the saa’i also has seven circuits.

what are the rites of hajj?

The rituals of pilgrimage to Mecca are the actions that a Muslim performs before, during, and at the end of the Muslim hajj, and they are what Allah Almighty showed to His Prophet and friend Ibrahim.

The rites of mecca hajj are also divided into pillars, duties, and sunnah, as for the pillars of hajj place, they are: standing at Arafat, circling al-Ifadah, entering Ihram, and running between Safa and Marwa.

The duties during hajj islam are: standing at Muzdalifah, spending the night at Mina, performing the farewell circumambulation, and stoning the Jamarat.

Among the sunnah: the tawaaf of coming, heading to Mina on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah.

The rituals that the pilgrim performs are in order:

1- Ihram

2- Tawaf

3- Quest

4- The day of Tarwiyah in Mina

5- Standing in Arafah

6- Staying overnight in Muzdalifah and throwing Jamrat Al-Aqaba

7- Guidance and decomposition

8- Tawaf Al-Ifadah

9- Throwing pebbles on the days of Tashreeq

10- The farewell circumambulation and the completion of the Hajj

The pilgrim begins with Ihram, then goes to the Kaaba; To circumambulate around it, then sa’i between Safa and Marwa, and the pilgrim breaks loose if he is tamattu’, or if he is performing a ritual prayer or a single one.

It does not dissolve, then it is heading to Mina on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah, then standing in Arafat on the ninth day, then heading to Muzdalifah after sunset on the ninth day, and on the tenth day, it will be throwing Jamarat Al-Aqabah, sacrificing the sacrificial animal, shaving the hair or shortening.

And performing the circumambulation. , then return to Mina; Overnight stays there on the nights of Tashreeq, and throw the three Jamarat; Minor, Middle, and Aqaba, on each of the three days of Tashreeq, and it is prescribed for the hurried to spend the night only two nights, and the pilgrim concludes the pilgrimage by performing the farewell circumambulation.

what to do before going to hajj?

Every Muslim who wants to perform hajj in mecca must fulfill five conditions:
the first is Islam, meaning that non-Muslims are not allowed to perform the rituals of haji Makkah.

The second is the reason, so there is no pilgrimage for an insane person until he recovers from his illness.

The third is puberty, so the boy is not required to perform hajj 2022 until he has a wet dream.

The fourth is freedom, so the hajj is obligatory for the slave to be freed.

the fifth condition is an ability, meaning that hajjs are obligatory for every able and capable Muslim person.

what to say to someone going for hajj?

Among the general supplications that a pilgrim may supplicate when he leaves are the following:
Oh, Allah, make them safe, they come back to us, and accept them with you from the forgiven, O Allah.

Our Lord, we entrust them with you and you are the most merciful of the merciful.

Oh, Allah, we entrust you with haaj so-and-so, so may Allah accept from him the circumambulation and quest, in the language of the Day of Arafa, and help him in your worship.

Our Lord, O Karim, there are those who left us while they are in your honorable home. Your guests perform the rites of hahj, hoping for your pardon and forgiveness, so make them safe, and do not see any harm in them.

May Allah make it easy for the pilgrims to perform their hijj and bring them back to their countries safe, sound, and healthy.

how do you know if your hajj is accepted?

The accepted hajj and its acceptance have signs mentioned by the scholars in their books, which are indicators of Allah Almighty’s acceptance of this great obligation.

Better than before
Among the signs and indicators of the acceptance of pilgrimage to Mecca is what Imam al-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned: “The pilgrim after his return will be better than what he was before.

good luck with obedience
Some of the predecessors mentioned that one of the signs of acceptance of righteous deeds, including Muslim hajj, is that a person reconciles him to a good deed afterward because Allah grants him success for good afterward indicates that Allah Almighty accepted his first act, blessed him with another deed, and was satisfied with him.

Shifting from disobedience to obedience
If the pilgrim returns to his family, one of the signs of the acceptance of his mecca hajj is that he is better than what he was and his commitment appears, and good deeds appear on him, so the person changes from what he was upon. Naturally, after his pilgrimage, he returns as a calm and good person.

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Among the signs of accepting the hajj Islam is that he increases in doing good, righteousness, and good deeds, and guards his limbs against disobedience, so he guards his hands and does not oppress them.

And does not extend his hand to what Allah has forbidden, and does not walk with his feet except for good, and does not speak with his tongue of immorality or lies, and does not enter his stomach except what is permissible.
what to say when someone returns from hajj
Among the general supplications that a pilgrim can recite upon his return from hajj in mecca are the following:
May Allah make your hajj justified, your efforts commendable, your sins forgiven, and your labor rewarded.

May Allah accept your hijj, thank you for your efforts, forgive your sins, cover your faults, accept your supplications, and give you the most rewarding and generous reward.

Oh Allah, accept from our young and old, and accepted hahj, a commendable endeavor, and a trade that will not fail.

May Allah forgive your sins and compensate you for your expenses.

To summarise, we have discussed the performance of the rituals of haji Makkah in order by defining how to perform the rituals of the hajj step by step in a concise and intense manner that does not prejudice the content and does not leave a corner or ritual of the rituals of hajj. The article is rich with all the information about that great ritual.

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