Step-by-Step Guide: Learning to Pray in Arabic Made Easy

learn to pray in arabic

Step-by-Step Guide: Learning to Pray in Arabic Made Easy Prayer is the second pillar of Islam, and in view of the great importance of this pillar, today we will learn to pray in Arabic in steps and detail. We will also talk about the form of prayer in addition to some of the pillars and conditions that must be met while learn to pray in Arabic.

learn to pray in arabic

learn to pray in arabic must be consistent with the character of the Prophet’s prayer. Because the Muslim is commanded to pray as the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – prayed, and the following is an explanation of how to perform the prayer as the Messenger prayed:


If he – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – wanted to pray, he would purify himself, cover his private parts, face the Qiblah, and bring his heart sincerely to Allah with humility. Then he said “Allahu Akbar” and raised his hands along his shoulders. Then he begins to recite Al-Fatihah in each rak’ah, and whatever is available from the Qur’an in the first two rak’ahs of the prayer. 


Then he says takbir, raising his hands in line with his shoulders, and kneels reassured in his bowing, bending to the extent that his hands touch his knees, and glorifies Allah- Glory be to Him – in his bowing, saying: “Glory be to my Lord, the Great.” Then he rises from his bowing and reassures himself, saying: “Allah hear those who praise Him. Our Lord, praise be to You.”


Then he says “Allahu Akbar” and descends to the ground, prostrating, saying in his prostration: “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.” Then he says “Allahu Akbar” and raises his head from prostration until he is sitting upright, spreading his left leg and erecting his right leg, pointing its fingers toward the Qiblah, and says: 

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“My Lord, forgive me, my Lord, forgive me.” Then he says “Allahu Akbar” and prostrates the second prostration like the first. Then he grows up and sits straight on his left leg. Then he stands for the second rak’ah, supporting himself with his hands on the ground, and does the same as he did in the first rak’ah.


Then he sits for the first tashahhud, and recites the tashahhud, followed by the prayer upon the Prophet if the prayer is twofold, and if the prayer is threefold or fourfold; In the second rak’ah, after rising from the second prostration, the person praying recites the tashahhud alone without praying upon the Prophet.


And in the last rak’ah he recites the tashahhud and the prayer upon the Prophet, and salutes to his right and then to his left. In the third and fourth rak’ahs, he does what he did in the previous rak’ahs, and recites Surat Al-Fatihah only, and his last sitting is with his right leg erect and his left leg spread, making his seat on the ground.

Pillars of prayer

In addition to learn to pray in Arabic. Prayer has pillars without which prayer is not complete, and without them it is not valid. The pillar is what the existence of a thing depends on, and is included in its essence, and in this way it is separated from the condition. Even though the condition depends on its existence and the existence of the ruling, it is external to the essence and reality of the thing. 


Ablution is a condition for the validity of prayer, but it is not part of its reality, rather it precedes it, while bowing is a pillar of prayer, and is included in its reality. The jurists explained the pillars of prayer, and they generally agreed on its pillars, and their opinions varied regarding some of its details, and they are explained as follows:


It is one of the pillars of learn to pray in arabic according to the Shafi’is and some Malikis, and one of its conditions according to the Hanafi and Hanbali schools, and the most correct opinion in the Maliki school of thought. Intention refers to the heart’s commitment and determination to perform worship sincerely for Allah Almighty.

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The Ihram Takbir: 

It is one of the pillars of the Takbir while standing; That is, the praying person says: “Allah is great,” while standing if he is able to stand; Because standing is a pillar, and he says it in Arabic, and it is a pillar without which prayer is not valid, even if he is unable to pronounce the Takbir.


A Muslim must perform the prayer standing if he is able to stand, according to what the Messenger – peace and blessings be upon him – said to Imran bin Husayn: (Pray standing).


Reciting Al-Fatihah is a pillar of learning to pray in Arabic according to the majority of jurists in every rak’ah.

Bowing and tranquility in it: 

Bowing requires that the praying person bend his back and head until his hands reach his knees.

Rising from bowing and standing upright and reassured: 

It is a pillar according to the majority of jurists and Abu Yusuf from the Hanafi school of thought, and is obligatory according to Abu Hanafiyyah and Muhammad

Prostration and tranquility in it: 

prostrating twice for each rak’ah, and rising after each one of them is a pillar of prayer, and the most complete prostration is when seven limbs are touching the ground.

Sitting between the two prostrations and being at ease during it: 

It is a pillar of learn to pray in arabic according to the majority of jurists, and an obligation according to the Hanafi school of thought.

The last sitting and the tashahhud: 

This is done by the praying person saying in the last rak’ah of his prayer: (Greetings are to Allah, and the prayers, and the good things, peace be upon you, O Prophet, and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous servants of Allah. Ash This is that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger


The first salutation is a pillar of learn to pray in arabic according to the Malikis and Shafi’is, while according to the Hanbalis, the two salutations are a pillar of the obligatory prayers.


At the end of the article, prayer is one of the pillars of Islam, so every Muslim must learn to pray in Arabic in the correct manner mentioned by the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Therefore, we mentioned in our article detailed steps about how to learn to pray in Arabic.