5 Things You Didn’t Know About Safa and Marwa in Hajj 

safa and marwa hajj

Al-Safa is defined in the language as a type of stone that is wide and smooth, and it is the plural of Safat. In legal terminology, it is a high place located on the south-eastern side of the Sacred House of Allah. It is located at the root of Mount Abu Qais. 

As for the definition of al-Marwah linguistically: it is the solid, bright white stones from which fire is kindled. Its singular is marw. In legal terminology: it is a high place located on the eastern-north side of the Sacred House of Allah. So in the following lines we will discuss safa and marwa hajj.

The way to sa’y between Safa and Marwa 

After praying two rak’ahs behind the Abrahamic Maqam, and after returning to the Black Stone and receiving it, the Sa’i begins to head towards Al-Safa, and when he approaches it, he recites the words of Allah Almighty:

(إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَائِرِ اللَّـهِ).

So he begins from Al-Safa, according to his saying – Pray. May Allah bless him and grant him peace -: (I will begin with what Allah has begun), Then he ascends to Safa until he sees the House and faces the Qiblah, and then he unites Allah – the Almighty – and magnifies Him, and praises Him.

He repeats this supplication: “Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, there is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner, to Him belongs dominion, and to Him is praise. He gives life and causes death, and He is capable of all things. 

There is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner. He fulfilled his promise and was victorious.” His servant, and defeated the parties alone,” three times, and he raises his hands and supplicates for whatever he can and asks Allah for the good things of this world and the hereafter.

After that, he descends to Al-Marwah He walks until he reaches the first green flag, and the man strives quickly, tending to run if possible without causing harm to anyone. As narrated by Jabir – may Allah be pleased with him – about the description of the Prophet – peace be upon him – running, he said: (Then he descended to Al-Marwah, until when his feet were planted in the depths of the valley, he ran, until when they ascended, he walked)

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The journey between Safa and Marwa is seven times, and going from Safa to Marwa or vice versa is counted as one way. The pilgrim begins with Al-Safa and ends with it as well. So he has stopped at Al-Safa four times, and at Al-Marwah four times.

Conditions for sa’y between Safa and Marwah 

There are conditions that must be met in the quest for safa and marwa hajj to be valid, including the following:

  • Covering the entire distance between safa and marwa hajj in each leg, because if the one who is running does not cover it completely, then his walk is invalid according to the agreement of the jurists of the four schools of thought. 
  • They have proven this by the action of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and his saying: (To perform your rituals), and because the distance between safa and marwa hajj is determined by Before the law, it is not permissible to detract from it.
  • Taking into account the order in the Sa’y, where the Sa’i begins with safa and marwa hajj, and if he begins with Al-Marwah, he cancels the half, according to the agreement of the jurists of the four schools of thought.
  • Completing seven rounds. The followers of the four schools of thought have agreed that going from safa and marwa hajj is considered one round, and returning from Al-Marwah to Al-Safa is considered another round.
  • Prioritizing circumambulation over sa’i. The jurists of the four schools of thought have agreed on that, and consensus has been reported on that.
  • Continuity and order between the rounds of sa’i. The jurists’ opinions on this condition were numerous, with two opinions: 
  • The first opinion: not stipulating continuity, which is what the Hanafis and Shafi’is and a narration on the authority of Ahmad went to, and it is the choice of Ibn Qudamah and Ibn Baz, and they used as evidence for that that what is called sa’i occurs equally. 
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The runs were consecutive or separate, and the pursuit was a ritual that was not related to the home; It is not required to continue it, such as stoning or shaving. 

  • The second opinion: The requirement of continuity between the rounds of sa’i, which is what the Malikis and Hanbalis held, and it is the choice of Ibn Uthaymeen.

Sunnah of striving between Safa and Marwa 

During the Sa’y between safa and marwa hajj, it is Sunnah to do several things, including the following:

  • Maintaining purity if possible. Receive the Black Stone before starting the quest. Reading the Almighty’s saying: (Indeed, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah), and starting from Al-Safa due to His saying – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (I begin with what Allah began with), when approaching Al-Safa once. 
  • Saying: “I will begin with what Allah Almighty began with,” when ascending to Safa. Facing the Qiblah, dhikr and supplication, and repeating the well-known supplication three times when standing on safa and marwa hajj.
  • Walking on two feet between safa and marwa hajj. It is not permissible to ride unless there is a need to do so. 
  • One should do on Marwah what was done on Safa. Sand or jogging between the two green flags, this is specific to men and is not recommended for women. 
  • Reciting whatever dhikrs and supplications available in the Holy Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet are available during the Sa’y.
  • It is also recommended that the one who seeks to ascend to safa and marwa hajj and see the Kaaba, pronounce “Allahu Akbar” and “Allaah” three times, and say: “Allah is Greatest for what He has guided us.”


 At the end of the text, the sa’i between  safa and marwa hajj is one of the rituals and pillars of Hajj, and Hajj is not valid without it. In addition to that, sa’i between safa and marwa hajj has a specific method, as the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, taught us. Therefore, we mentioned in our article the correct method for sa’i between safa and marwa hajj.