Kuttab is the best Quran institute

best Quran institute

Kuttab is the best Quran institute, the specialized role in memorizing the Noble Quran (Kuttab) represented a distinct role in the formation of the Islamic Quranic background in the minds of many members of society in Islamic countries for some time not short.

Read more: Learn Quran online

History of Kuttab

  1. That Kuttab had spread to many parts of the Islamic State from Southeast Asia through Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Kingdom of Pattani.
  2. And others, passing through Pakistan, Afghanistan, and North Asian countries to the farthest Islamic West in Morocco and Mauritania.
  3. Then south in southern Sudan, Somalia, and central Africa.
  4. It has directed many organized malicious schemes to eliminate the positive effects of Kuttab is the best Quran institute in the Islamic world.
  5. Until the Kuttab Foundation – that small and powerful institution – was threatened with complete collapse and even extinction.
  6. In the following lines, we are trying together to take a glimpse at the Kuttab and its role and how it is viewed (Egyptian Kuttab as an example).

What is the effect of Kuttab on children?

  • Kuttab is the best Quran institute where dozens of chants, poems, and other tales have occupied a large space in the minds of young children.
  • This is at the expense of memorizing the Noble Quran in that important and vital age stage, which accommodates memorizing millions of words.
  • We may find children who have completed memorizing large parts of the Noble Quran before entering school, especially in Kuttab, because Kuttab is the best Quran institute.
  • Everyone knows the role of the Kuttab or the Holy Quran Memorization Office at the level of villages and popular neighborhoods in preserving the Quran and spreading it in our country over the long centuries.

What is Kuttab’s role in economic progress?

  1. Kuttab is the best Quran institute As it is known about the previous rulers of Egypt of interest to Kuttab, most notably Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi.
  2. They took it upon themselves to reform Kuttab’s affair and take care of it for twenty years prior to his impressive historical victories over the Crusaders and the liberation of Jerusalem.
  3. Hence, his first steps were to dry up the sources of religiosity, according to modern plans to fight Islam.
  4. Pursuing that Kuttab, closing it, weakening its role, neglecting it, cutting material aid from it, diverting students and children away from it, and not taking care of the wallets.
  5. These strikes come from several aspects, most notably through the Western cultural invasion that swept the Arab and Islamic countries.
  6. Since the middle of the last century, literature and the media have been ridiculed for undermining the image of the sheik, the memorizer of the Noble Quran, and portraying him in stories and novels.
  7. As well as in movies and series, comically as if he is a hideous person who takes pleasure in hitting children and eating their food outside the social and moral context.
  8. The story of Al-Ayyam by Taha Hussein, which was scheduled and is still in the various stages of preparatory and secondary education, came at the beginning to consolidate this image.
  9. It turned into a dramatic work that took different forms and set a stereotypical image (of our master, the Sheikh “the Preserver” and his assistant “the Corporal”).
  10. This was followed by a series of literary and media works that followed this same approach, which is alien to the Quran memorizer and religion teacher.
  11. As for the rest of the organized plan to dry up the sources of religion and besiege the role of Kuttab.
  12. It came on several axes, the most important of which is restricting the wallets and closing doors in their faces instead of helping them and taking care of them.
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What are the benefits of being socially categorized?

  • These conservatives depend for their livelihood on some modest gifts from the families of the children only and cannot engage in trade, agriculture, or work outside the country.
  • Hence, their economic conditions remained modest, to the extent that the Ministry of Awqaf granted them symbolic rewards for some time.
  • But this modest support soon ceased, and this has led in turn.
  • However, most of the Kuttab buildings have become old and are not qualified at the structural and health level to accommodate large numbers of children.
  • Especially middle-class and educated children who aspire to enroll their children in a well-developed memorization role.
  • Hence, they do not find their purpose in Kuttab and enroll their children before primary school age in nurseries.
  • Which began to spread in the countryside at the expense of Kuttab and found suspicious encouragement from some secular institutions.

What are the benefits of Kuttab in the current era?

  1. The Kuttab was and still is the main educational tool by which religious knowledge, particularly the Quran, is transmitted from one generation to the next.
  2. It was also the tool from which radiates the basis of religious enlightenment, memorization, and dissemination of the Quran.
  3. It is also the tool that creates a base of learners who can then easily deepen their religious studies and master the various branches of Islamic sciences.
  4. Also, the Kuttab is the best Quran institute and is the appropriate and appropriate education system for the diverse needs of society.
  5. So that it was naturally integrated into the activities and daily life of the small community, whether in the village or the urban area.
  6. The Kuttab was also a free education system that did not incur any burden of study beyond its financial costs.
  7. Either from the endowment system or from simple donations and voluntary efforts of the community.
  8. This Kuttab is the optimal educational system in many respects, at least in terms of basic and primary education, and this does not mean that the Kuttab is of no use at present.
  9. This is because, especially in terms of teaching and memorizing the Quran and hadiths, reading and writing, and basic social and religious values.
  10. It is a necessary system in the life of contemporary society and it cannot be said, for example, that the kindergarten system or the first years of basic education can replace the Kuttab.
  11. Because these modern systems do not have the Kuttab system in direct education and in the mastery of religious aspects.
Kuttab is the best Quran institute
Kuttab is the best Quran institute

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Quran memorization sites

In the following lines, we will mention the methods of memorizing the Quran online, Kuttab is the best Quran institute:

Learn Quran online

  1. This is for those who find it difficult to go to Quran teaching institutes, as many sites seek to teach learn Quran online.
  2. Just as the sites teach the recitation and memorization of the Quran
  3. They also provide the service of teaching and memorizing the hadith, because it is considered the second source of legislation.

How to learn the Quran with Tajweed online?

  • Quran learning websites have been able to attract many who want to memorize the Quran around the world, and the platform’s goal is to increase the number of memorizers around the world.
  • That is why the best Quran teachers in Egypt and specialized readers teach the Holy Quran with its frequent readings.
  • In addition, the sites receive men from all over the world.

How to learn the Quran online?

  1. It is not possible to memorize the Noble Quran without the help of Allah – Glory be to Him – and therefore sincerity to Allah – the Highest – is counted in memorizing the Quran.
  2. And seeking help from it is one of the most beneficial and best ways, in addition to the fact that the memorizer of the Quran attains a great status.
  3. It should be noted that this method is represented in the necessity of the presence of a master who has mastered the Tajweed Recitation, recitation.
  4. So that the hafiz would take his instructions, and recite to him the verses he had memorized.
  5. So the Sheikh would correct his recitation for him.
  6. Hence the effort is on the keeper By repeating the verses he had memorized throughout his day.
  7. So that he can memorize it, while constantly reviewing, consolidating, and confirming everything he has memorized in the following days Read a lot.
  8. Whether it is before dawn, or after it, the memorizer should be patient in his memorization.
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What are the benefits of memorizing the Quran?

In the following lines, we will mention the benefits of memorizing the Quran:

Hafiz of the Quran from among the people of Allah and his own:

What is unique to those who memorize or read the Book of Allah, is that they become one of Allah people in this world and the hereafter.

The Quran raises its memory – Kuttab is the best Quran institute

One of the most important virtues of memorizing the Quran is that it elevates those who memorize it until they reach the status of honorable angels.

The Hafez of the Quran is blessed in this world and the hereafter:

The people of this world envy the memorizer of the Quran for the position he reached by memorizing the Book of Allah.

The Hafiz of the Quran has priority in leading the people in prayer:

  • The Prophet – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – instructed his companions to present the most memorized of the Book of Allah and the most read of them to it.
  • This indicates the priority of the memorizer of the Quran and his right to lead the people and that he is the most worthy of it.

Quran Hafiz – Kuttab is the best Quran institute

It has been proven in the authentic hadiths reported from the Prophet – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – that the Quran will come as an intercessor.

The Hafez of the Quran ascends the ranks of Paradise:

Whoever memorizes the Noble Quran will rise in Paradise to the extent that he memorizes the Book of Allah, and the more he memorizes, the higher he will be in the ranks of Paradise.

Allah honor for my father Hafez al-Quran:

  1. Allah Almighty honors the parents of the Hafez of the Quran and raises their rank and status.
  2. This indicates the honor and virtue of the Quran’s memorizer, to the extent that his parents benefit from his memorization and their status is elevated by the blessing of what he has memorized from the Book of Allah.

Ways to memorize the Quran easily

In the following lines, we will mention the ways to memorize the Quran in easy steps:

Devotion – Kuttab is the best Quran institute

Because the hafiz is faithful to the eternal message of revelation that was revealed to the heart of the Messenger of Allah – may Allah prayers and.

Pronunciation correction:

To read the Quran before memorizing it to the masters of the masters and learn from it how to pronounce the verses correctly, especially in places where there is similarity and difficulty in pronunciation.

Determine the amount of preservation:

As each person has a specific limit and amount that he cannot exceed and set a fixed amount of memorization is considered one of the most important means.

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Choose the right time and place:

  1. The one who wants to memorize the Book of Allah should specify the appropriate place and time for memorizing.
  2. Do not memorize at a time of intense heat or in a place full of disturbances, and the best place for memorizing the Quran at all is the mosque.

Memorizing the Quran – Kuttab is the best Quran institute

The one who wants to memorize the Quran should not move to a new memorization place until he has mastered the one he memorized previously.

Keep memorizing from a private Quran (it has one fee):

Because the human mind is concerned with details.

Maintaining the coherence of the surahs and verses:

  • A single surah contains sequential events, as well as long verses.
  • It is not necessary to memorize part of the surah.
  • Then moving to another place without linking the previous to the next.

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